Here’s how to create a hex Grid of Point Anchors in a Container.

Adjust the constant values for tileWidth, tileHeight, countAcross, and yAdjust to fit your particular grid. For the yAdjustEven and yAdjustOdd constants, one of them needs to be 0 and the other 0.5.

function updateAnchor(anchor, index) {
	const tileWidth = 45;
	const tileHeight = 51;
	const countAcross = 7;
	const yAdjust = -37.5;
	const yAdjustEven = 0;
	const yAdjustOdd = 0.5;

	let xvalue = -(tileWidth * (countAcross/2-.5)) +
								(tileWidth * ((index-1) % (countAcross))) - 1;
	let yvalue = 0;

	if (((index % countAcross) !== 0) && ((index % countAcross) % 2 == 0)) {
		yvalue = -(tileHeight * (countAcross/2-yAdjustEven)) - yAdjust + (tileHeight * Math.floor((index-1)/(countAcross)))
	} else {
		yvalue = -(tileHeight * (countAcross/2-yAdjustOdd)) - yAdjust + (tileHeight * Math.floor((index-1)/(countAcross)))

	return {
		"x": xvalue,
		"y": yvalue


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