You can apply bulk edits to any items that have the following type of interface. Some of the most common items to bulk edit include Variants and Anchors:
Follow these steps to edit items in bulk:
NOTE: When selecting only some of the boxes, the index in the code is a relative reference to the items selected, not its absolute place in the list. The first item you manually selected will be index #1, regardless of where it falls in the list.
Each item in the list has a number and then a bunch of attributes between brackets { }.
The attributes generally correspond to the fields that you can configure when you edit that item manually. Each attribute is listed on one line with the name of the attribute on the left, followed by a colon, followed by the current value of that attribute.
When making bulk edits manually, simply edit the values that you’d like to change on the right side of the colons.
The index value starts with 1, not 0.
In the left pane, select a surface or a container that contains the objects. Select Objects at the bottom of the pane. Use cases include: