Recommended New User Journey

Here’s a recommended learning journey if you’re new to Screentop:

  1. Create a account, create a new game, and just browse around the interface, optionally creating some Components to see their interfaces.
  2. Read or at least skim over the Building Blocks Overview. (Alternatively, do this after Step 3.)
  3. Go through one or more of the available tutorials, depending on the type of tutorial you prefer (video vs. written, dense overview vs. interactive walkthrough):
    1. Official Tutorial that walks you through creating a deck of cards and a hidden player hand.
    2. Screentop 101 video series by Jack Rosetree. These are 10 videos, around 5 minutes each, covering key concepts. Potentially follow along and/or try things out yourself.
    3. Guided Prototyping on by Xoe Allred. A 2 hour walkthrough tutorial to create a prototype from scratch. Again, potentially follow along.

You might be able to jump in and start creating a prototype now. You can find a reference for most Screentop concepts and Components under Building Blocks.

If you prefer to read a bit more before starting out, consider the following resources, in no particular order:

Creating a New Game

From, access your games by selecting your avatar in the upper-right corner.

Create a new game by selecting Create.

When you select an existing game, you can choose:

In Edit mode, these are the most common items that you’ll need to update in the left page:
