Tiles are a type of Component.
Use tiles to create the cards, tokens, and other pieces in your game that might need to be double-sided but do not need to contain other game pieces (i.e., they do not need to have their own Dropzones).
Here are the most common attributes to configure:
Hidden Style: Controls what the tile looks like to players who should not be able to see it, because it’s in a container with a View Policy that restricts its visibility (such as when the tile is a card in a player’s hand). Options include:
Orientations: If this is greater than 1, players can rotate the tile using the q and e keys or by right-clicking and selecting Rotate. If set to 2, the tile will rotate 180°. If set to 4, the tile will rotate 90°, and so on.
Shape: Define the shape of the tile. If you select Polygon, you can input the number of sides (for example, you can input 6 to create a hexagon). If you select Path, you can input SVG commands or select from a small library of predefined shapes.
Height & Width: Define the dimensions of the tile, in pixels. For a poker-sized playing card, for example, you might set Width: 125 and Height: 175. If you are using Assets for your components, you can enter the exact height and width needed, or let Screentop scale the images to fit the dimensions you provide.
To control the look of your tiles, see Assets & Variants.
To add editable text to your tiles, see Fields.